Dear Followers,… [Please Read]

Hi guys! So in the beginning of this month, I posted a Survey for my followers to take.

I haven’t had that many responses….I just wanted to remind you all to take it if you haven’t already!

Click to take the survey 🙂

I will be posting the results at the end of the month, and with that I’ll also be posting a giveaway that I’m running! I’m super excited and I hope you are too!
I know its taken me quite awhile to get this giveaway started, but I wanted it to be perfect! (OK, its not perfect, but its good!)
In the meantime, I’m working on getting posts up more frequently! (Its hard because I want to wait to read the survey results till the end….but then I don’t know what you guys like! XD)

I hope you all had a lovely week! Enjoy your weekend!

Madi ❤

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