| Followers | Can I get it to 50?!

So I started blogging back in March, (Well, I had started blogging when I was 12 or 13 but failed to keep it up) Today while checking my blog stats I realized that I have 45 amazing blog followers!! What?! How did this happen?!

So first, THANK YOU! for following me!

Not in a creepy, stalker-like follow….unless you are a creepy stalker-like follower….then….thanks…I mean, I guess….. XD I get so happy and excited each time I get a follow, a like, or a comment on my blog! And there are 45 amazing people out there who have chosen to follow little ol’ me!

So I’ve decided to work at getting 5 more followers! Once I reach 50 followers I’ll host a giveaway! So tell your friends that this weirdo wants a few more followers and they can get a chance to win an awesome prize! (I don’t know what it is yet…but I know it’ll be awesome! For my awesome followers! 😉 )

Sometimes I think you guys just stay for all of my awesome gifs……HAHA just kidding, I know thats why you stay 😉

So tell your friends! Or don’t…! But thanks for following me! 🙂

Madi ❤

17 thoughts on “| Followers | Can I get it to 50?!

  1. Pingback: monthly recap of November 2015 | Bonjour Belle

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